STEM Learning UK is dedicated to empowering young people with the skills and knowledge to thrive, through effective teaching and learning. Many amazing resources and courses are available throught the STEM Learning website, and we have also collected additional resources from other organisations to aid you in your STEM Learning journey.
STEM Resources
- Find out about the International Young Scientist Awards for upcoming scientists under 35
- The STFC Video Collection covers a wide range of topics and recordings from past events
- Winchester Science Centre
- Resources from We the Curious
- Browse the STEM Learning UK Site for resources, courses and becoming a STEM Ambassador
- Resources from Science in School
- Resources from Oxford and Reading Science Hub
- Resources from The Royal Institution
- STFC’s STEM Careers Challenge Badge for Scout and Guide Troops
- Resources from Ogden Trust
- Resources from Jon Egging Trust
- Mimi’s Adventure from the Institute of Physicss
- The Institute of Physics (IOP)
- Resources from the Children’s University
- Activity Packs for British Science Week
- Resources from BBC Bitesize
- Resources from Science Oxford
- Resources from The Royal Society
- Read about the great work done by the Institute for Research In Schools (IRIS)
- Resources from the Royal Academy of Engineering
- Resources from the National Science Museum
- Find out about local events at the Oxford Festival of Ideas